July 23, 2024

Backyard zoo


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I snapped this quick picture of what I imagine is a goldfinch* grabbing a quick drink of water from my fountain yesterday afternoon. 

It was an unexpected nature shot because the image I wanted to capture got away. There was a squirrel laying on the platform, his head resting on his paws relaxing like he was at the side of a pool in Hollywood or something. He was the definition of chillaxin’. I moved too quickly when I grabbed my phone from my pocket and scared him off. 

Seconds after he left, the little yellow bird swooped down and grabbed a drink. Bird was probably glad I chased off the tree rat. “Stupid mammal hogging all of the water. “  

*it is just a yellow bird. I don’t care enough to discover its breed. I am hot a big fan of birds in general. That squirrel, he is a hard ass. He will sit on the patio furniture. He’ll look in the back door. If animals had a name his would be Fonzie. The other day he was climbing the screen on the patio door. A few hours later he was on the roof looking in the window of my office. When the boy had his dog here, the squirrel would come up to the patio door and stare at the furious dog, teasing him behind the safety of the glass, confident he could be gone before we could get 5he door open to let the dog out. We have a hoodlum rodent. 

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