July 22, 2024

Same as the old Boss

So Biden is out. Freedom lovers all across the land should have wished the senile old coot stayed in the race. Now the election will not be about the economy, open borders, or disastrous foreign policy, but rather it will be about the wymens and the raysists, and the LBGQRSTers and killin’ babies. Suburban women and blacks will flood to the polls. 

And for those of you concerned about soon-to be-forgotten Biden and his ability to communicate, you can have this to look forward to:

This woman polls lower than whale shit. Yet somehow people will vote for her — the same people who thought she was absolutely the worst choice for President when she tried to run four years ago. If she somehow beats Trump, she will be the first Affirmative Action President. 

The wife said she wasn’t going to cast a vote for president, but she will now “so she can vote against that idiot.”  I love my wife. 


glasslass said...

Watch the Elsa Kurt show on Facebook. Does a great impersonation of Kammi baby, especially the laugh.

Joe said...

I am one of the last 300 people on earth without a Facebook account

Jean said...

No FB account for me, either.

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