August 23, 2024

And she was taking off her dress

I spent a bit on the road this week. I alternated between listening to podcasts and music as the boredom affected me. I like my car and it drives nice on the highway. 

The boss says I need to think about my next company vehicle in the coming months. The lease on the Grsnd Cherokee is up on January. I have had a company car since 1989. This is the only company that lets me choose the vehicle. Usually, but not always, color is my only option. Rest assured I would never ever have chosen that crappy baby blue Taurus I had to drive for about five years in the past.

Yes, before you roll your eyes, I absolutely know how great it is to have a car supplied to me. It isn’t free, personal miles are expensive, but I can put wear and tear and miles on someone else’s car. 

Not that you care about any of that. 

You came for Friday music. I said you came for Friday music. Don’t argue with me. This is what was playing when I pulled in my driveway:

Have a great Friday.


Matthew W said...

Used to play hockey with a computer repair technician that had a company van. He could use the van for personal use, but had to pay for the miles. Every time he had a new client, he drove two ways, a long way and a short way. When doing service , he would report the long way but drive the short way and bank the miles for personal use. Have to imagine technology has changed that !!

Anonymous said...

For me the IRS says personal miles on a company car are worth around $0.50 per mile. At the end of the year I tell the company how many personal miles I drove . The IRS says those miles, at that rate, counts as income. I then have to pay taxes on that “income”, not the actual mileage.

In all it is not a bad deal.


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