August 24, 2024

Some things are just true

It is no contest. From Russia with love is the best Bond movie. 


Likes and dislikes are a personal thing and you may disagree and have your own favorite Bond flick. 

You would be wrong. 

BTW, it is the best of Fleming’s books too (and I include Chitty Chitty Bang Bang).

PS if you vote for Moonraker we can no longer be friends.


glasslass said...

I read all of his books back before they became movies. But what about people who have never seen one of the movies?

Midwest Chick said...

The books are amazing. And the fact that they are based, in part, on Christopher Lee's life, makes them extraordinary. As far as the movies, From Russia with Love is in a tie, for me, with Goldfinger. From Russia with Love had Robert Shaw but Goldfinger had some of the best lines. I do think the remake of Casino Royale with Daniel Craig was very well done.

Anonymous said...

We agree on most things cinema, MC and I’m with you on this. Joe

Midwest Chick said...

I do think we have similar tastes! Fun fact- I have a copy of Live and Let Die with Sean Connery on the cover.

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