August 14, 2024


I was sitting on the couch last night watching the Cubs lose yet another game when the idea for a good post plopped into my brain as if divinely inspired. Then I watched other drivel and slept and well, here we are. It is quite clear the inspiration slipped away into the place where all good ideas go.

I suppose the runaway post is sitting at some tropical bar surrounded by palm trees and the gentle sound of waves climbing the beach while drinking umbrella rum drinks along with the second half of my unfinished novel. I’m sure both are sharing a good laugh at my expense. “Look at his brain trying frantically to find us! Snort!” 

“Order one of those frozen peach drinks!”

“No, I want a banana daiquiri.”

My vanished good ideas are assholes. I’m just sayin’. They always disappear when I need them most.

Consider everything here that is of original content copyrighted as of March 2005
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