August 2, 2024

The actress reminded me of you

Big storms rolled through over night. Thunder rattled the windows and I could hear heavy rain bouncing on the skylight in the master bathroom. Oh, wait, I forgot we are not supposed to say “Master” when referring to a bedroom or bath lest someone whose great, great, great granddaddy was a slave and they become triggered to think they are now enslaved or something. Yes, this is how stupid the world has become. 

After the trash man came on Tuesday, I went to drag the bin back into place at the side of the house. The bottom and interior was crawling with maggots and the bin stunk like a dead critter in Hades. It was gross. I sprayed bug killer into the bin and slammed the lid. A few hours later I washed the darn thing out. There remains a lingering stink around the can.

I don’t know if it was a long-repressed memory, but the whole thing triggered me — triggered me into gagging. I blame my great great grandma who was an orphan and probably had to root through the trash of New York City to survive. I suddenly had a repressed imaginary memory of her life. Oh, the trauma!

I suggest we ban maggots from trash bins lest I get triggered again. 

Sounds dumb, right? 

They say music soothes the soul, so here we go with some Friday music:

A deep cut. Have a great day. Let’s work on that maggot thing, alright?


Anonymous said...

You said: "After the trash man came on Tuesday, I went to drag the bin back into place at the side of the house." Please be advised that you can no longer use the word 'drag' as the word implies there is a derogatory relationship to the LBQBT community. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Anyway, it is better to 'push/pull' than to 'drag'.

Joe said...

Consider me properly chastised

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