August 22, 2024

You keep lyin’ when you outta be truthin’

So the Biden/Harris government has been bragging for the past year that the economy is WAY better than us plebes believe. After all, they claim, they have added more jobs than any president in history. 

Except it was a big fat lie. The labor department just dropped a giant “sorry about that” fart in the bread aisle and announced they over-estimated the new jobs by a mere 800,000 plus. That is a 28% reduction. 

The last time there was an adjustment this big was back when Obama was president. 

Is there  a  pattern here? 


Cheryl said...

People don't like Trump and will vote for Harris and don't care. This country isn't going well.

Ed Bonderenka said...

I disagree. People may not like Trump and say so, but they will vote in their own self-interest in private.
It was "funny" when Don Lemon was doing the street interview with a black guy and told the guy he was wrong, That he WAS doing better under Bidden.
Implying the guy was too stupid to know it.

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