September 18, 2024

A Modern Mao in the Making

There are those of you who are convinced that should Trump get elected he will be the downfall of the republic, a tyrant, a dictator of Hitlerian or Stalinesque proportions.

The good news is there exists evidence of how he will govern, mainly through the previous term Trump had in office. So I ask of you, did he:

Open the borders in defiance of existing US law to anywhere from 10-20 million illegals?

Did he fly illegals all over the country in the dead of night to distant cities without warning at taxpayer expense?

Did he void existing oil leases and terminate oil pipelines doubling the cost of gas?

Did he, contravening US Law, fail to open bidding on new oil leases?

Did he not once but multiple times try to use taxpayer funds to pay off private loans in direct opposition to Supreme Court rulings?

Did he leave billions in military equipment behind in Afghanistan to a known terrorist organization?

Did he provide billions in cash to the terrorists-sponsoring Iranians?

Did he sick the IRS and FBI on United States citizens that may have a different political viewpoint?

Did he request that private social media companies suppress and censor political view points he did not agree with?

Did he kick out of the military those who refused to take an experimental vaccine?

Did he institute draconian energy and fuel requirements that will virtually prevent you from purchasing an internal combustion vehicle if you want to in the coming years?

Did he participate in a scheme to let his children sell access for foreign dollars? 

Did he encourage the justice department and local prosecutors to indict and prosecute his political rival?

Did he institute government spending and policies that drove inflation to levels not seen in generations?

Did he force schools to allow men to compete as women or allow girls to use the boy's restroom or boys to dress in the girl's locker room?

Did he oppose a law that requires someone to prove they are a citizen and have the legal right to vote?

Who did those things? Which candidate was a participant in these assaults on your freedom and our economy?  Which candidate has promised more of the same? I want to make sure I do not vote for anyone who governs this poorly, who cares so little about the rule of law, or for the general welfare of US Citizens. I'm asking for a friend.


Luap57 said...

Good points, but you forget that mean tweets are worse than all of the above.....

Joe said...

You are right — on the scale of evil there is orange Msn Bad vs the rest

Anonymous said...

Did he try and make it acceptable and totally okay for people with penises to be in your little girls' bathrooms, or trouncing them in their own sports groups?

Anonymous said...

"Nikki Haley, who made clear why: 'This is about my family. This is about America. If you don't like him, say you don't like him, but you can't say that his policies are worse than Kamala Harris'. That's just not a fact.'"

Anonymous said...

Geez I cannot type

Orange Man Bad

Anonymous said...

He did orchestrate an insurrection.
Not getting our votes.

Anonymous said...

He did not. Democrats orchestrated an insurrection.

Just as they orchestrated Covid.

And the murderous "vaccines".

And the rapes of children by pedophiles in the name of "pride".

And the 2020 riots.

And the illegal immigration nightmare.

And the murder of our young people by fentanyl and illegal aliens.

And extreme inflation.

And likely WWIII.

And the destruction of our God-given rights.

And on.

And on.

And on.

Your gullibility is astounding.

Consider everything here that is of original content copyrighted as of March 2005
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