September 30, 2024

I woke up remembering my coffee maker is broken

I’m back,  it was a good trip, far better than my last trip to the mysterious orient. Did I eat what most Americans would consider to be “weird shit”? Yes. Did I mange to feed myself with chopsticks? Yes. Was the customer visit, the reason for the trip,  a success? Yes. Did the travel to and thro suck? Absolutely. 

After steeling myself to climb into another airplane seat after a 13 hour first leg, we boarded the plane in Dallas and then sat there for an hour for a maintenance issue. On the other hand, an extra hour on an already long trip was way better than having the left engine fall off at 30,000 feet. 

Since I’m complaining, my one true skill in life, I have been awake approximately 34 of the past 40 hours. I will bitch-slap the next person who says it must be awesome to travel all over the world. 

Ok, it is and I’m a lucky man. Travel is not all fun and games though. 


slugmama said...

I can't think of anything worse than sitting on a tarmac in Dallas. Ok maybe sitting at the gate in Montreal when they "lost" our plane back to Dallas. lol
Buy yourself a new coffee maker as an early Christmas gift to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Even Five minutes in LaGuardia is far worse


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I intend to make one overseas flight at some point during the remainder of my life, and it ain't to China -- it's to Japan. Well, and back. Not that I might not want to stay.

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