October 1, 2024

Stuff the Commies can do

When I win the lottery this is what I want. An automatic toilet. The lid opens when you walk in the room. The seat is heated. A discrete fan whisks away any odor you may produce. When you finish your business, the lid closes and the stool flushes automatically. No more manual labor in the bathroom for me.

Look, if the Hangzou Bay Universal Hotel can have state of the art toilets, why can’t you and I? Don’t we deserve it?

*Yes this was my actual room. A king room with an extra sitting area—$85 a night. A similar hotel in a the States would run $300-$400 depending on your location.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

But, China. And they want you to stay in an inexpensive room with all the posh trimmings because they want to keep fleecing American companies with their cheap export junk.

I can open, close, and flush my own toilet, and turn on my own fan...and I think heated toilet seats are creepy. (Much as I think heated car seats are creepy.)

Ah well. I'm grumpy tonight. I need another 4000 words and can't get them to force out of my tired brain. Maybe tomorrow. Glad you're home safe.

Anonymous said...

Those are soon to be lost skills due to the fine state of public education!

Anonymous said...

Even a Democrat can't believe it:


Yeah. Okay. It's all about the "joy" folks. I'm sure she was enJOYing that Hollywood shindig. And I'm sure our... president[?] was enJOYing his time on the beach, as usual, while the lives of more Americans get wiped out.

JOY for me but not for thee. Suck it, citizen. And get to work. You've got MILLIONS of illegals to support. Can't possibly pull off the cheat without all those illegals.

Anonymous said...

But she is black and a woman and does not tweet mean stuff.

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