September 3, 2024

September Blues

Back to work. It was a good long weekend. We start the day on a cool note: a mere fifty Fahrenheit as I type these words. Sitting in my office I can see my neighbors leaving for work. My commute is a mere three feet from my office recliner to my desk. 

I have been plagued by weird and vivid dreams the past few nights. Worry not, I’m not going to relate them here. This blog is boring enough without getting into dream nonsense. Freud must have had a streak of masochism to sit and listen to his patients’ dreams. No thanks.

Since it was a cool evening we had potato soup and BLT sandwiches for supper last night. Guess what is for lunch? Potatoe soup is always better the next day. 

That’s it go forth and be productive.

This fits the weather theme. This was the hot local band when I was a teen.  Too bad they never made it big. 


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Huh. Never heard of 'em. And I'm not that much older than you. 🤷‍♂️

Now, Stewed Tomato and the All-Star Dogs...I mean, Duke Tumatoe and the All-Star Frogs, I remember them.

Anonymous said...

Bodacious actually won the first Bob and Tom album contest. By the early 80’s the band decided actually having a job to support their families trumped their dream

Cappy said...

Potatoe soup. I see what you did there.

Anonymous said...

What I did was mis-spell the word! Me and the VP are the pride of Hoosier education

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Probably why I never heard of them; never could stand Bob and Tom.

Anonymous said...

They were up in Clinton county snd Lafayette mostly

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