September 23, 2024

We walked right past the lemon shake ups

I’m late to the old blogeroo this morning. It is of no matter since I really have nothing of interest to post. 

We had a good but uneventful weekend. On Saturday we visited a festival not so far away, then did a mini road trip through Hamilton and Madison counties. The wife did some shopping, I had some ice cream. 

We spent more time walking from the parking lot and back than we did at the festival. The wife couldn’t find anyone selling kettle corn and that was enough for her to vote us both right off the festival island.  While she did not get her sweet popcorn fix, she did get to spend all day with me, so I suppose it was a winning day for her anyway. 

On Sunday I watched TV all darn day. I did pause long enough to make a pot of chili and clean up the supper mess, but it was a wasted day. 

I know, this is not exactly riveting. It is my boring life though. 

Haves great Monday.

1 comment:

Greybeard said...

Pretty much the same here-
Watched the MotoGP race. Then watched the F-1 race.
An old "Film Noir" with Eddie Muller completed our day.
I think the Lord was pleased.

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