October 25, 2024

A reader challenge

I normally strive for a no politics Friday. Not today.

Here is my challenge to you: tell me why I should vote for Harris without mentioning Trump. I don’t want to know why you are voting against the other guy, I want to know why I should vote FOR her. 

I think I asked this before without success, maybe not. 

I look forward for your answer. 

I will call you out and make fun of you if your comment is why you are voting against Trump. Please take note.


Anonymous said...

Let the silence begin….

Matthew W said...

I literally have in my neighborhood and at the grocery store, walked up to people with "Trump" stuff on and asked them if they are voting for the felon. They all look at me funny but say "yes" and then I tell them "So am I".
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tempted to do the same with the people with FJB/Harris crap and ask them what Harris's best accomplishment was as VP.

Cappy said...

A Harris administration would save money by not having to pay the Vice President. Walz is a creation of Seth McFarlane; incompetent white dad. Basically a midwestern cartoon Peter Griffin.

slugmama said...

The Gutfeld show calls Walz "Mr. Garrison" when they refer to him Cappy. I like that analogy....

Cappy said...

Thanks. I'm known for those.

glasslass said...

I know where she stands on abortion. That's it. I know what she says but I don't believe a word coming our of her mouth. I think we have people behind Biden making his decisions and they will stepped in and run our country the next 4 year. We will never see them nor vote for them and if you want to know their names ask the might O.

Anonymous said...

You asked for five; here are nine:

She will restore women’s reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.

Inflation is going down and the economy is strong, the strongest in the world actually. Wages are up, unemployment is down. The stock market is breaking records. These are facts. She will continue the policies that will keep things going in this direction. Is there inflation? Yes, another fact, but there has always been inflation and always will be. Are prices high? Is there greed? Oh yes. There will be no tax breaks for billionaires. She’s not talking about 20% tariffs on imported goods.. She has the support from a large and wide range of economists and other experts that her economic plans will continue to grow the economy.

Foreign countries are not making contingency plans about what to do if she gets elected.

She’s not enamored of current or past foreign dictators (Putin, Orban, etc.)

She is not suffering from dementia, falling asleep in meetings, etc. She’s in excellent health.

She’s not a felon awaiting sentencing, an adjudicated rapist, or have other cases pending against her.

She will push for and sign the sensible immigration and border bill that was put together by both parties. She will not round up immigrants or others and potentially/possibly place them in camps, nor separate families. Oops! Turns out Jose was born here, a citizen. Oh well, shit happens. Camps in Nazi Germany did not just spring up out of nowhere; first came the language and the name calling. And once the ball gets rolling it’s very hard to stop.

The clear separation between civilian and military roles will continue. The military will not be used to go after citizens.

She doesn’t support Project 2025. Think you will be spared if it comes to that, or even parts of that plan? Think again.

Harris was the VP; it is not her role to have “accomplishments.” Neither was it Pence’s, nor Cheney’s, nor any other VP. As it was for them, her only jobs are to step in if the President can no longer serve and to serve as the President of the Senate and break ties if necessary. That’s it.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Wow, anon, way to drink the Kool-Aid.

Anonymous said...

Right back at ya!!

Anonymous said...


Liars, cheaters and thieves.

And they get away with it thanks to so many clueless, as evidenced by anon here.

Anonymous said...

I guess you know most of you responses are how she is not Trump, so I guess following directions is not your strong point. Plus I never asked for “Five” so comprehension must be an issue too.

Are you aware that Trump HAS NOT endorsed the 3025 project and has in fact disavowed it? No? I guess you missed that too.

Are you aware it is illegal to use the military against domestically? You must have missed that in civics.

The supposed “bipartisan “ immigration bill still allowed tens of thousands of illegals a month. And I guess you know that Obama and Biden also separated families at the border?

What makes you think Trump will do these things when he didn’t do them before?

Perhaps you should do some more research instead of spouting the latest MSNBC or The View talking points?

Anonymous said...

If abortion is THE most important thing Harris stands for, why didn’t she sponsor a bill to enshrine Roe V Wade into law when the Democrats controlled congress and the Presidency?

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