October 2, 2024

I flip the bird to the longshoremen

 Given the burden of inflation the Biden/Harris regime has placed on us all I am not surprised workers are looking for an increase in pay. I’m still working for the same salary I signed up for in 2022, so I am making about 20% less.

But come on Longshoremen, you want a 77% raise? F you. Your union president brags he will cripple the economy, spike prices, and ruin Christmas . No wonder I hate unions. *

So get ready for shortages. Prepare for more inflation. 

You are aware, if Biden ever came off vacation, he has the presidential power to force a mediation in this dispute. He won’t because the democrats need the union vote. And I’m not sure he is mentally up to it. Do we really want Mayor Pete heading up negotiations? I’d rather my 9 year-old granddaughter took the lead.

I spit on you all.

*I could write a month’s worth of posts about the unions.


Anonymous said...

Christmas gifts - pfft. I can glean off from my collection of tools I already have for years gathering dust and give those out without having to go 'shopping'.

Anonymous said...

If inflation is so bad, who's buying Xmas gifts? You're talking out both ends!! LOL

Anonymous said...

If you don’t think inflation is bad you haven’t even to the grocery in four years, you are a partisan hack, or dumber than a rock. I’d let you choose, but I don’t trust your judgement

Anonymous said...

Democrats: Joe Biden is too demented to be your nominee (you will get Kamalamadingdong and like it, rube), but it's totes okay for him to carry on as the puppet.

This actually seems to make sense to them and their deluded followers.

Cappy said...

Save your saliva - they're not wort it.

Anonymous said...

I guess we should thank the longshoreman union then? Is that what you are saying? You are talking out one end only, your rear end, anonymous.

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