Believe it or not, I really can't think of a thing to share with you today.
I could talk about the great warm weather. I could complain about my various aches and pains.
I have some other stuff going on, but you would not care about that either.
What's that you ask? Oh, a ham sandwich, Fritos and a Big Red.
Just added. Screw you Jesse James. So your childhood sucked. Quit making excuses for your bad behavior. be a man. own up that you are a serial cheater. You threw away one of the hottest women on earth for a tattooed slut. YOU did it, not your abusive Dad. I am so sick of people blaming others for their own behavior.*
*Disclosure: I was not abused as a child. In fact I had a great childhood.
If one of those gangstaz turned "celebrity" came out during a scandal and said "Mom & dad were great, I've just got shit for brains, that's all!" I'd fucking pass out dead away!!!
I'm still asking what the hell she (Sandra) ever saw in him?! (And that was before he started talking! blech!)
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