March 23, 2022

Does anyone know the Finnish word for “Horrible”.

The servers are down at work, so I’ve got some time this morning to write a great, insightful, entertaining post. Too bad I have nothing. Ain’t that the way of life?

“Wait a minute, Joe”, you say, “That never stopped you before. You ramble on nonsense all of the time”. 

Perhaps. But today my brain is frozen. 

I could tell you I’m not overly fond of the French Roast coffee I bought. I’ll drink it, but I don’t love it. Why would you even care? It is the cheap Amazon brand K-cup and part of a variety pack. The dark roast and medium roast are pretty good. The breakfast blend is comparable to the WalMart breakfast blend, a very good cup of coffee, believe it or not (the one in the yellow box). Note: when I say “variety pack” I mean an assortment of roasts, not that flavored crap. Things like pumpkin, cinnamon, chocolate, vanilla, hazelnut, sugar, or cream do not belong coffee. If you think otherwise, you are just wrong and probably kick puppies and sneer at babies when no one is looking. 

With last week’s warm spell and this week’s rain, the tulips and day lilies are pushing up through the dirt and mulch, a welcome green amid the browns of winter. The grass is even starting to show some signs of life. The front sidewalk and drive are covered in the red bud casings from the maple tree in the front yard. Soon the seed helicopters will start falling and the wife will start her annual push to cut down that tree because she hates the seed pods with unreasonable spite. It’s not like she has ever had to clean them up or mow over them. 

She did have to learn how to operate the mower last year when I was off my foot most of the summer, but not in the spring. Technically, I’m right. 

No surprise there. 

There you have it, a real post. We have done it yet again. Our blog writer/blog reader social contract is fulfilled for today. Together we conquer writers block, providing you are still reading. If not, then piss on you. Of course, you won’t know I said that if you quit reading already, now would you?

Go forth and drink black coffee, like nature intended.


Cappy said...

Here ya go.

Cindy: Long Time Blogger said...

Very funny. This is what Google translates the English word 'horrible' into the Finnish language: Kamala

horrible, terrible, awful, ghastly, dreadful, abysmal

Greybeard said...

Wait a minute, Joe”, you say, “That never stopped you before. You ramble on nonsense all of the time”.
Yeah. So what?

We like Arabica. Walmart sells a brand they call "Donut Shop" that we prefer to the more expensive stuff on their shelves, but it is almost always sold out. (Don't tell anyone.)

I'm old. I'm tired. I have little/no reserve to deal with stupid people. Life is tough.
But like that Smollett idiot, I am "Not suicidal".
(But dyin' of natural causes soon would be a gift from the Lord.)

Practical Parsimony said...

You are so clever and funny.

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