July 19, 2022

back of my neck feeling dirty and gritty

Another summer heat wave is in the forecast this week. This happens almost every year. I have a question. If it is hotter than ever, as the climateers shout in panic, why are most of the records for heat and cold decades old? In fact, around here most of the heat records date to The Great Depression. Anyway, it is expected to be in the mid and upper 90s this week with high humidity. I suspect it will be hot at your house too.

We got a day of rain Sunday so the lawn isn’t quite so brown and dry. 

Since it wasn’t as hot yesterday I went for a walk after supper. It was still pretty humid so my shirt was sticking by the time I got home. I probably overdid it. My foot is more than a little sore today. So it goes. I’m still 50/50 on living with the pain and slight limp or going for another surgery. The actual procedure doesn’t bother me, it is the recovery. Another six to eight weeks of Long John Silvering it has zero appeal. The youngest granddaughter sat and bumped up the stairs one at at time on her butt a few weeks ago. “Look, I’m just like Paw” she laughed. I did too, but I have no interest in going back up and down like that again. 

I hear you. “Then quit complaining “ you say. But that’s what I do best! I think it was a year ago this week I had my first foot surgery and I’m dismayed that things really are no better. 

On the good news front, I returned to the retina specialist yesterday. He said things look good from my laser procedures earlier in the year. There does not appear to be any more bleeders and the one that was inoperable appears to be shrinking somewhat. My vision was slightly better. 

Ha! Not only do I look old in the mirror, now I sound old. I spend a whole post on my health and aches and pains. I am pretty sure that is not why you stopped by. 

Sorry ‘bout that. I know I usually give you a joke on Tuesday. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe later. Who knows?


Ed Bonderenka said...

I'm NOT on your lawn!

Jean said...

We old farts learn to take good news where and when we can get it.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of good news, my T-man's home! (Exhale...). Thank you for your prayers. And I thank God for the HUGE blessing today.


Anonymous said...

Great News!

Anonymous said...


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