March 9, 2023

Help me, Rhonda

Can someone, anyone, explain why we are sending hundreds of billions of tax dollars — taken yours and my paychecks  —  to Ukraine?  When will it stop? 

What vital US interest is at stake? 

Maybe if we stopped giving money away to settle Hunter Biden’s debts, Papa Joe wouldn’t have to ask for tax increases. 


LTB: Long Time Blogger said...

Pray the Repubs stop the spending. Even if it causes a default on the USA debt.

glasslass said...

The number that is in the proposed "budget" for 3 TRILLION in Interest payment on our debt. How much is that in terms of our tax money. How can they be so cavalier and throw out 3 Trillion as if in any universe that is a number to be celebrated. How about you and I run our households on his budget. Think we would have collectors at our doorsteps.

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