April 15, 2023

Big Thrill Saturday

The youngest granddaughter has her first soccer game this morning. It is hard to believe she will be four in a couple of weeks. 

Soccer should be interesting. She is a competitive little girl. It will be a case of extremes, either she will coast along like most little kids playing at that age, running to and fro,  or she will erupt in a total anger meltdown the first time someone kicks the ball away from her. I don’t think there will be a middle ground. I hope am wrong. She is the sweetest, happiest, good natured little girl. Until you play a game and then she really likes to win. Insists on it, even. And she likes to be right about things. 

Okay, she is my little clone and my Mom is sitting in heaven laughing her butt off. 

True confession, I don’t care if it is my granddaughter, soccer is sooooo boring. It was when my kids played, it still is. 


Ed Skinner said...

Soccer is good for her life. Ours played from that age through college and it's given her a winning but I can deal with setbacks too attitude. Working on her PhD at Notre Dame now, she plays pick up games between dissertation work and teaching undergrads. Soccer is full of valuable life lessons. And when she scores, you score!

Joe said...


My oldest boy played through high school. Any sports is good for life lessons.

It sounds like your daughter is wonderful. You did a great job.

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