May 1, 2023

March in May

I wish I could regale you with tales of a fun and adventurous weekend. I cannot. Saturday we went to see the granddaughter’s soccer match then motored to a town south of Indy for a festival that was little more than a flea market. After spending maybe thirty minutes walking past the booths with an emphatic “nope, nope,”  we decided to drive on down to the outlet mall. 

Of course the “we” in that previous sentence meant the wife wanted to drive on down to the outlet mall. There is certainly not one store there that interests me. I made one circuit around the shopping center as a point of exercise. I went back to the car and listened to the Cubs game and then some music on the radio. 

We grabbed a quick dinner and headed home. On the way home we were caught up in traffic as there was a giant accident that closed down three lanes of traffic on the interstate. We were close enough to the wreck that ambulances were still arriving as we were stopped. 

Ho hum, ho hum.

Sunday, I tried to bake cookies. I think the thermostat is out in the oven. That or it is the heating element. It took forever. Later, I made breaded tenderloin for dinner. The cheese potatoes got hot, but they never browned up like I wanted. I guess that Samsung stove is as big a piece of shit as their refrigerators. 

There you have it another boring weekend. 

Now it is Monday. It is cold as heck here. It might even spit some snow. WTH? 

Oh well, get to work!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like most of our weekends. You might try crushing some cracker crumbs over top of taters. We like Ritz with some crushed french fried onion. Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Chance of snow tomorrow here in western, ny, won't stick around long tho

Ralphd00d said...

Having worked in the appliance repair field, Samsung does suck at most of the appliances. They should stick to phones/tablets and TVs.

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