July 8, 2023

don’t peek

In a metaphor stolen from some story I read once upon a time, the thunder sounds like god is bowling overhead as rain falls on the parched grass. I do not want rain, but we need it. Last night I decided I would venture to the farmer’s market this morning to find some ‘maters. Not in the pouring rain. 

Last evening I was passing through the channels, looking for something to watch and stumbled upon Jurassic Park; the first one. The movie was somewhere in the middle. The wife looked up from her iPad, watched a little, and said “I can’t believe we let the kids watch this movie”. 

Indeed, when our kids were small, we bought the move as soon as it came out on VHS. They had to be less than 10 when we let them watch it. We absurdly ordered them to “close their eyes” in the scary parts like when the guy gets chomped in the outhouse.  We were terrible parents. 

We drew the line at nudity or drug use in movies. But clearly violence was okay. What were we thinking? 


Anonymous said...

I admit that one was a mistake for us as well. We didn't realize how truly scary this fake stuff was to a kid who couldn't quite yet convicingly tell herself that it was all fake and impossible.



glasslass said...

Well my kids were all adults by that time but I caught a ton of flack when they were kids because I would not let them watch The Three Stooges. Horrible mother they believed! Also wouldn't let them eat sugared cereal. Oh, the anguish they expressed. Son's girlfriend asked me one time what his obsession was with Lucky Charms because occasionally he would buy a box and then eat all of them.

Practical Parsimony said...

I thought Happy Days was okay for my children. I got to hear 'hot to trot' coming from my daughter's (10) mouth. And, my 4 year daughter was blowing on her dice and saying Mama needs a new pair of shoes when throwing dice in a kids game.
so getting chomped by a dinosaur was tame stuff to me. But, they were older so the point is moot. I found out their father allowed them to watch 9 1/2 Weeks at his house! They were preteen and early teens!

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