October 19, 2023

Before you slip into unconsciousness

I’ve had Chrystal Ship by The Doors stuck in my head for several days now. There could be worse songs, Afternoon Delight for instance. What is playing on a constant loop in my brain pan isn’t the whole song, just a bit of the last stanzas and music that comes near the end. I don’t know. I no psychologist. I barely got a C the one semester of the subject I took in college. 

I’m sipping coffee before getting ready to head back to the massive trade show here in Louisville for another day of walking the show looking for leads. I saw lots of potential yesterday. Of course my widgets were already there, built into several manufacturers who had equipment on display. If you have black and yellow tools, or red tools, or orange tools, then my company is helping make them work. Especially the black and yellow ones and the brand that was once owned by Sears. You should buy the black and yellow tools at every opportunity. I’m just saying. Help me keep food on the table. I cannot go back to routine meals of pancakes or Spam several times a week. 

Enjoy your Thursday. 

No, I’m not going to post the Doors tune. I don’t have to put up music every day.


Cappy said...

I have a few things to say about the Craftsman electric mower, and you're gonna hear about them!

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

My yellow tools do quite well, thank you. Planning to buy a couple more in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Craftsman electric mower is shit

Greybeard said...

Who told you you don't have to post music everyday?

Anonymous said...

I have a Crafstman mower from 1994. It's my snowplow now because I have no idea how to remove the plow and chains and put the mower deck on.

And, no. I WON'T sell it to you.


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