October 20, 2023

Dear Joe Biden

Why in the world should we give money to Gaza? The elected government there (by overwhelming majority) is Hamas. Of course they will use the money to attack Israel. The stated goal of f Hamas is to eliminate the Jewish state. 

In your rambling, almost incoherent speech last night you tried to make some tenuous moral equivalence on why we should keep pouring money into Ukraine. If your logic holds true, shouldn’t we then give money to Russia for the cities hit by Ukrainian drone attacks? 

Hamas started this war, we are told they are a legitimate government. Let them take care of their people. Let the f-ing UN take care of those people. It is not up to Israel, nor the US, to provide the necessities to the people of Gaza. Let Hamas care for their loved ones. 

Maybe, just maybe, if things get bad enough, the people of Gaza will turn out the terrorists running the place and try make peace. For eighty years they have wanted to fight Israel and every time the Palestinians are met with defeat. I think Arabs need a harsh refresher course. Throughout history the people rise up when their government becomes intolerable. For the Palestinians they have a real opportunity to see what terrorism reaps. 

This is what a weak President gets us in the world. 


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I think "rambling, almost incoherent" pretty much says it all.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...


"Maybe, just maybe, if things get bad enough, the people of Gaza will turn out the terrorists running the place and try make peace."

Will never happen. Seventy years ago it might have worked. But the generation now in charge in Gaza are completely brainwashed by what has come before. I have said it before and will say it again: There are no innocents in Gaza. Push them into the sea and be done.

Anonymous said...

"Why in the world should we give money to Gaza?"

Because if we don't, the disgusting pigs in our government won't continue getting graft from the terrorists they're allowing to destroy the world.

Why else?


Anonymous said...

America just posted a $1.9trillion dollar loss today. America is broke. they can print all they want or do it digitally but why supply weapons to Israel and then money to the Gaza victims who the Israels just maimed with their American provided weapons is a tactic way beyond my pay grade. the only answer I can come up with is 'insanity' and we are all fu**ked. we should all be dead within 3 months.

Anonymous said...

Three years ago I'd have thought Anon was crazy. But now? I pray every single day that God keeps my family safe, healthy, (as happy as possible?), and that he not
let them suffer. And that I find the strength and faith to put it all into his hands while doing do whatever I can. And to help all of his children in this world to find peace, if at all possible.

There's not a whole lot more I can do by myself.

But I do know that I'm not a being a great Christian when I think about what I'd like to see happen to all the people that made and allowed this to happen.

I'm only human.


Anonymous said...

Amen to your prayer Freddie. Psalms 73 and 83 may be helpful right now...

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