December 28, 2023

Future Us Will Look Back and Say Why

 In the not-so-distant future my grandkids are going to listen in amazement to stories of constant electricity. They will not believe there was a time we could flip a switch and virtually always get electricity. They will guffaw incredulously as we describe cars that could run nearly unlimited miles continuously, stopping only for a few minutes for more fuel. 

They will wonder at forbidden energy sources like nuclear power, gas, coal . They will drool as we describe the taste of steak or pork or chicken as they snack on Solient Red, Blue, and Green. 

They will wonder why we allowed Government bureaucrats and socialists to destroy our economy and country in the name of the always on the brink of disaster climate change religion. They will believe it was necessary, since we still will only have five, maybe ten years to fix the problem. All it will take is a little more sacrifice and more money for the global elites.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to tell my grandkids how Trump saved the world, in addition to America. I'm going to tell them how Americans banded together and saved American freedoms. (I think Americans are starting to 'get it'. I like my fairy tale better than yours.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I suspect there will be a great uproar at some point, all of the communists will be put to death, and things will slowly start to go back to some semblance of normal. (There is, after all, a great deal of ruin in a nation.) But it will be something of a struggle, because of course no communist goes down without a fight. The number of helicopters required by Saint Augusto de Pinochet will be huge, and the amount of hemp rope hanging from DC lampposts will undoubtedly be sufficient to stretch for miles.

But we shall persevere, in the end.

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