January 14, 2024

If you're not into yoga

It’s cold. It probably is cold at your house too. How about something tropical?

Sometime in the past 24 hours I surpassed 1.5 million visits to this blog. I am certain that is small potatoes to many of you. I’m proud of it. It humbles me that even one person bothers to read my drivel. 

In truth, I probably passed that figure a long time ago. Blogger stats only go back to 2010, so the first five years of visits are lost. Some of those years were the blogging peak, before Facebook and such. Back in those wild days, I would get thousands of hits in a day. Of course, I worked at it a bit more too. A link from Acidman, GOC, Big Dick, or Bane  would set the statmeter spinning. In truth, one of you probably pushed my count past 2 million. 

So let this be an inadequate THANK YOU for stopping by. I appreciate it more than you can ever know. 

1 comment:

Cappy said...

I miss the Acidman.

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