July 20, 2024

I see so many dumb people

 It looks to be a perfect sunny summer day today. I suppose I will have to venture out later to do some yard work. I am in a lazy mood these days. I find little motivation to do anything. When I say anything I mean work, both the paying kind and the stuff that needs done around the house. 

I did install a new shower head last evening, but let’s be honest, that is just about the simplest thing you can do around the house.

I’m blogging from a new iPad this morning. It is not really “new” since it used to belong to the wife. I switched out her girly cover for a plain black one I got at Amazon for $9. I have been using the old gen 1 iPad since March, when my old iPad Air died. I say “using” in the loosest possible terms. It would not access about half the websites I normally visit. I could not even sign into blogger from that old relic. 

Blogging from my phone sucked. I wish I could blame the crappy content around here on that fact, but it was only partially to blame. 

We got the wife a new iPad, so I got her hand me down. It was an upgrade for each, and yes, I am happy with how it worked out for both of us. 

I intended to go politics free today. We all know how that goes. Let me say unequivocally, if you believe Trump staged that almost assassination, you are beyond dumb. I really do not want your stupidity to spread. Don’t breed. Have yourself surgically sterilized. 

In fact, do us all a favor, don’t even come by here any more. You absolutely have the right to believe and say anything you want, no matter how incredibly stupid and ill-informed it may be.

Just not on my blog.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

The other side is flailing. Throwing up any argument it can make to see if it sticks. But the Teflon coating on 45 seems even better than the one on 40.

Whether 45 can also be 47 is in the hands of the Almighty. Meantime, partisans must strive to avoid the sin of cockiness.

Have a great Saturday, Joe. Looks like the weather will cooperate.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Oh and also...my last book took three years to write. It ended up 86K words, 46K of which I wrote in 52 days between April 15 and June 1.

Writer's block is hell. But it can be overcome.

Joe said...

Thanks for the encouragement

Cappy said...

Crappy content on the phone? Download Linux. Problem solved. You're welcome.

glasslass said...

Fuzzy, I just finished the Three Seasons books and loved them. Much to short and More, please. Does Amazon carry all of your books?

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

There likely won't be another Seasons book unless one muscles its way into my head, sorry.

All of my books are indeed on Amazon.

I'm working on another book in The Cross-Time Kamaitachi timeline at the moment.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

And as they say, thank you for your patronage. bows

Linda said...

That is truly idiotic to think that kind of hoax is possible. A sharpshooter might miss a part of ear and hit the head. Stupid idea.

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