September 10, 2024

What do you stand for?

 These are some of the policy positions Kamala Harris has supported:

Ending ICE

Increased taxes

Forced EV mandate

Ending fracking

Reducing drilling on Federal lands and voiding existing oil leases

Mandatory buyback of guns she finds scary

Free healthcare for all including illegal immigrants

Taxpayer funding for sex change operations for illegals in detention 

Defunding police

Decriminalized drugs — including marijuana, heroin, crack, fentanyl, cocaine 

Abortion right up to the moment of birth

If these seem reasonable and good ideas, vote for Harris. If you are appalled then you need to vote against this nonsense. I said it below, the election is about policies, not personalities. Vote accordingly.


Anonymous said...

This is Jackie in CA, your lone (but loyal!!) liberal reader. I usually read, even if I don't post. I'm going to be voting for Harris, but I am looking forward to seeing how the debate goes tonight. ANY late term abortion is not anyone's choice; they happen because the baby has died in the womb, or the child is born so sick that it lives only a few hours. By the grace of God, both of my children were planned for and healthy, and I never had to make a decision about abortion, but I don't feel like I can stand as judge and jury and say that another woman cannot get an abortion. I know nothing about her, and that is SUCH a personal decision. By the same token, if my doctor and I decided that abortion was the way to go, I don't want any stranger telling me that I can't get an abortion. I think the incredible loss of women's rights is going to be a big factor in this election. I wish we lived closer so we could talk in person; I think that I would really enjoy talking to you :)

Anonymous said...

My grandson had severe birth defects. My daughter knew at 6 mos he would not survive long after birth. Just the scenario you describe. She delivered the baby and he lived 25 hours.

How you differentiate that from someone who decides in the 7th, 8th month they just don’t want to have a baby?

After all Planned parenthood has no issue selling baby parts.

Abortion is best an issue of the 10th Anendment. But State A should have no say if a woman goes to state B for an abortion if it is legal.


Anonymous said...

I will venture that a vote for Harris based on abortion if you do not agree with her other positions is not a good decision. Abortion is a state issue (like it or not) and it is more than unlikely there will be a national consensus to pass it into Federal law. Otherwise the Democrats would have done it long ago.

You think you are voting for sbortion but you are realy voting for more of the current economy and foreign relations, not to mention the other stuff I listed.


Anonymous said...

Harris has my vote. Trump's too old & in mental decline. He rambles & makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Hello anonymous. If Biden was still running would you have voted for him?

That’s what I thought.

Anonymous said...


These sheep really do exist!

There really ARE people who buy the Democrats' bullshit about the most important issue in our country being: It might get a little more difficult for you to kill the baby you created if you don't vote Democrat.



Anonymous said...

Loss of women's rights?

THAT's what you think this election is about?

Wake up. And read or watch something OTHER than main steam media outlets.

Here are just a few to try:


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention the free sex change surgeries she wants for illegals in prison!

Don't forget that very important goal, Joe.


Anonymous said...

Oops. No. You didn't forget. My mistake.


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