July 31, 2024

If you can’t run on your record

Apparently the only issue Harris can run on is killin’ babies.

The thing is, Congress could pass an abortion law. Could have forever. Could since Dobbs. It’s easier to scare women into voting for Harris. Of course the president can’t pass even one single law. 

Instead they just blame the court for saying it is a State issue.  BTW, SCOTUS did not outlaw abortion. If you claim that you are either ignorant or a liar. 

July 30, 2024

True confession

Every time they play the National Anthem at the Olympics I tear up just a little. 🇺🇸.

For thee, but not for me.

So Biden thinks we need term limits for SCOTIS? Funny how that was never an issue when liberals were the majority, isn’t it? 

Since term limits are the bomb these days, will Biden call for term limits in Congress? I mean if 18 years is enough, then…

I know, my side hurts from laughing. 

Oh, Biden nor Congress can make term limits a thing for the Supreme Court. It will take a Constitutional Amendment. You see, in case you didn’t study civics in school, the Court, Congress, and Executive branches are Co-equal. 

Besides, one would think, even for someone who graduated in the lower half of law school and who served his entire adult life in the service of the government., Biden would have a basic understanding of the constitution. 

July 29, 2024

Go ahead, sleep on it

When we were on vacation, I think it was one of the comedy shows, and the host was asking if there were any newlyweds. He then asked if there were any anniversaries. Of course my shy wife admonished me to remain quiet. Being singled out by a comedian is one of her worst nightmares. 

A  couple nearby allowed they had been married thirty-some years. The comedian asked if the old couple had any advice for the young couple. The old guy replied with the old canard “never go to bed angry.” 

That, my friends, is terrible advice. Look, when you are tired and mad you are apt to say things you don’t mean or maybe should not say at all. In an exhausted effort to end the argument you might just go for the kill. Some words you cannot take back. 

I’m certainly no expert. What works for my wife and I may not work for you. Here is what I do know; most problems look better in the morning. Sure, there may not be a solution, but often you are over the raw emotion of the situation. Then rational thinking can come into play.  

If you go to bed angry, you will likely still be mad when you wake up, but you can ponder your words, seek compromise, and remove the raw emotion from the equation. Often the light of day can illuminate a path through the obstacles and the mountain looks less imposing. 

This true not just for relationships. Most problems look less insurmountable with a new day. Of course problems never go away, but you can better tackle them well-rested. 

So yeah, go to bed mad. It might be better in the long run. 

July 28, 2024

Quand a’ Paris

 The Olympics have started and there has been significant electronic ink spilled over the drag queen opening ceremony. Rightly so. Further, the coverage from NBC leaves a bit to be desired so far. I suppose it is merely old guy grousing, but what does Snoop Dog know about sports and why is he sucking up so much air time? 

Anyway, for the opening ceremonies, I turned it off. The boat parade was boring and thankfully I missed the disgusting drag show and Last Supper mockery. 

I am reminded of a joke a German buddy once told me. Why are there trees along the Camp d’Elysee’? German soldiers prefer to march in the shade. 

Somewhere in the archives there  are several posts about my first visit to France. Perhaps I will repost some of them in the coming days. 

Anyway, no one should be surprised by the leftist French hatred of the church and Christianity. I’ve said it here many times, if you want history to be a guide, then there is no better way to understand the leftist vision than to study the French Revolution. The very term “leftist” originated in that event. What the progressives wanted then is what they want now, and make no mistake, there are those in the fringe who would have no qualms at all about murdering you and I to get their utopia. 

I guarantee more than one of your neighbors secretly wishes that assassin had been a little more accurate in Pennsylvania a couple of weeks ago. They don’t have the courage to say it out loud. It is an indication of how much they hate people like me and what I believe. 

*Of course, in fairness, there were a lot of drivers in the French Revolution. One of them was the massive debt the government incurred loaning money, troops, and war materials to some rebelling colonies in the New World. When the political class started demanding changes, it was the radicals who took things way too far. So we Americans can be a bit to blame for what happened. Plus, two of the leaders in the early days of the French Revolution cut their teeth in the American War — Thomas Paine and The Marquis de Lafayette. 

**I could fill the rest of my days of this blog writing about the history of the French Revolution. Years could not do it justice. I don’t have the will to do that much research and you certainly do not have the desire to read about it. 

***The winners write the history, but Napoleon wasn’t attempting to take over the world as he is often portrayed. The idea that France overthrew the monarchy scared the bejesus out of Europe and succeeding nations declared war on France plus France was already fighting Austria when the revolution started. 

July 27, 2024

Saturday Mornings


Grab a bowl of Sugar Pops or Quisp and enjoy.

July 26, 2024

It’s good to be me

According to Livability I live in one of the best places in the US. I think they have it backward, it is one of the best places because I live here. While Mudsock didn’t earn the top spot, it is in the top five. 

Since most of you are probably not well versed on the geography of the northern Indy ‘burbs, Carmel and Fishers share a border in Hamilton County. I, in fact, live just on that line, so you might say I live in the very best place. 

Yes, there are some unbelievable homes in this community. I, however, live in the cheap part of town, helping bring that average down. 

Property is still comparatively inexpensive. The median house here would be at least twice that in many other areas.  

Sure, we need some appropriate Friday music:

July 25, 2024

On the Veep

My normally sweet kind mostly non-political wife stated at dinner last night “ I wasn’t going to vote for president. I will now, for Trump. I would vote for Hillary before I voted for that Bitch.” 

I should note, my wife never swears.  This is the second time she has made a similar statement. You can bet she means it.

July 24, 2024

How about you?

Grilled peanut butter on Wonder bread (same as a grilled cheese except, well, peanut butter* in the middle instead), pretzel sticks, and a diet Faygo grape soda.

*If you haven’t tried it you should. Add some ‘nanas for an Elvis special.

July 23, 2024

Backyard zoo


Click to embiggen 
I snapped this quick picture of what I imagine is a goldfinch* grabbing a quick drink of water from my fountain yesterday afternoon. 

It was an unexpected nature shot because the image I wanted to capture got away. There was a squirrel laying on the platform, his head resting on his paws relaxing like he was at the side of a pool in Hollywood or something. He was the definition of chillaxin’. I moved too quickly when I grabbed my phone from my pocket and scared him off. 

Seconds after he left, the little yellow bird swooped down and grabbed a drink. Bird was probably glad I chased off the tree rat. “Stupid mammal hogging all of the water. “  

*it is just a yellow bird. I don’t care enough to discover its breed. I am hot a big fan of birds in general. That squirrel, he is a hard ass. He will sit on the patio furniture. He’ll look in the back door. If animals had a name his would be Fonzie. The other day he was climbing the screen on the patio door. A few hours later he was on the roof looking in the window of my office. When the boy had his dog here, the squirrel would come up to the patio door and stare at the furious dog, teasing him behind the safety of the glass, confident he could be gone before we could get 5he door open to let the dog out. We have a hoodlum rodent. 

July 22, 2024

Same as the old Boss

So Biden is out. Freedom lovers all across the land should have wished the senile old coot stayed in the race. Now the election will not be about the economy, open borders, or disastrous foreign policy, but rather it will be about the wymens and the raysists, and the LBGQRSTers and killin’ babies. Suburban women and blacks will flood to the polls. 

And for those of you concerned about soon-to be-forgotten Biden and his ability to communicate, you can have this to look forward to:

This woman polls lower than whale shit. Yet somehow people will vote for her — the same people who thought she was absolutely the worst choice for President when she tried to run four years ago. If she somehow beats Trump, she will be the first Affirmative Action President. 

The wife said she wasn’t going to cast a vote for president, but she will now “so she can vote against that idiot.”  I love my wife. 

July 21, 2024

Battle Lines Are Being Drawn

The Amazon spy speaker is giving me issues this morning. I can’t get it to play the music I want. I finally gave upon the new playlist and fell back on my old standby - 60’s rock. On the scale of things this is pretty minor. 

I spent the morning yesterday watching old movies. I caught Butterfield 8 followed by To Sir, With Love. Let me state for the record, before the Hollywood excess, before age caught up, LizTaylor was drop-dead gorgeous. I’m talking the 1955-1965 version. I might watch Cat on a Hot Tin Roof today just see her walk around in a slip. 

See what I mean? This is an image from Butterfield 8.

After I wasted the morning I spent the rest of the afternoon doing yard work, so Saturday wasn’t completely wasted. 

Since I’m rambling here today, For What it’s Worth by Buffalo Springfield is playing. That song always reminds me of my youngest. I usually gave him his bath when he was very young, and I always sang that song to him in the bathtub. He knew all of the words! 

The two oldest often got Civil War songs as their bath tunes. Both could belt the chorus to Marching Through Georgia. Yeah, it was a phase. I’d say the youngest benefited from the five year age difference. 

That’s far more detail than you want or need to know.

Have a great Sunday. 

July 20, 2024

I see so many dumb people

 It looks to be a perfect sunny summer day today. I suppose I will have to venture out later to do some yard work. I am in a lazy mood these days. I find little motivation to do anything. When I say anything I mean work, both the paying kind and the stuff that needs done around the house. 

I did install a new shower head last evening, but let’s be honest, that is just about the simplest thing you can do around the house.

I’m blogging from a new iPad this morning. It is not really “new” since it used to belong to the wife. I switched out her girly cover for a plain black one I got at Amazon for $9. I have been using the old gen 1 iPad since March, when my old iPad Air died. I say “using” in the loosest possible terms. It would not access about half the websites I normally visit. I could not even sign into blogger from that old relic. 

Blogging from my phone sucked. I wish I could blame the crappy content around here on that fact, but it was only partially to blame. 

We got the wife a new iPad, so I got her hand me down. It was an upgrade for each, and yes, I am happy with how it worked out for both of us. 

I intended to go politics free today. We all know how that goes. Let me say unequivocally, if you believe Trump staged that almost assassination, you are beyond dumb. I really do not want your stupidity to spread. Don’t breed. Have yourself surgically sterilized. 

In fact, do us all a favor, don’t even come by here any more. You absolutely have the right to believe and say anything you want, no matter how incredibly stupid and ill-informed it may be.

Just not on my blog.

July 19, 2024

I got ketchup on my blue jeans, I just burnt my hand

I have not written anything for my new novel in months. I am about 1/3 done. I have the last 1/3 written in my head. It is the middle stuff I’m struggling with. 

I opened the file this week and am re-reading what I’ve written so far, editing a little as I go. Most of it I like. Some sections  I think are above average, certainly better than my first book. It is more action, less navel gazing. 

I’m no closer to writing the next third than I was two or three months ago. Maybe I’ll write the WWII section and fill in other chapters later. I don’t know. I wanted to finish the thing by the end of June. That was my goal when I started writing. Now I don’t know if it will be done by the end of the year. Maybe never. 

But it is Friday. That is the good news. 

You know what we need? Some Friday music. 

July 18, 2024

Strange Encounters

My maternal grandfather and my paternal grandmother’s brother (my dad’s uncle) were in the same platoon at Great Lakes Naval Training Center in WWII. 

Did they know each other before? They were from the same town. Who knows?

In any case one generation later the two families came together when dad married mom.  Of course my grandmother and her entire large family hated my mother, so maybe the enmity came from those days at Great Lakes?

July 17, 2024

More than smoke on the water

 I always dig unexpected covers. Check out this version of  Help! From Deep Purple.

July 16, 2024

Nary a word about the weather

Are you kidding me? Is really only Tuesday? I swear I thought it was Thursday already. But then if it was Thursday, I would have to sit through a two hour on line monthly sales meeting this afternoon, so I do get to escape that torture for a couple of more days. 

There was lots of Trump talk throughout interwebz the past few days. Many expressed opinions far better than I ever could. I will say this, if you think the whole thing was staged you are an idiot. I’m surprised you don’t need written instructions telling you to breathe in and out. 

Am I the only one who sees the coverage change slightly. Sunday there was a lot of questions on “how could this happen?” Now you are seeing less condemnation of the Secret Service already. I don’t care. I’m no gunnan. I never served in the military. Not covering the most obvious shooting site is incompetence at best. 

Yes, back in the day I could put all of my shots into a two inch circle at 150 yards. But I never took a shot under duress and my target wasn’t moving. I bet yours wasn’t either. Trump is a lucky man. Trump is alive only through a turn of his head, a gust of wind, the hand of God. Maybe all three. 

When Democrats and the press spend eight years saying Trump is evil, a danger to democracy, and must be stopped, then no one should be surprised when some nut takes the message seriously. How did this happen? Look in the mirror.

July 15, 2024

My Maserati does 185

 Dear Driver,

Have you always driven like an asshole, or did it start when you bought your Maserati SUV?

Oh, and a Maserati SUV is about as lame as you can get. I’ll say it. 

July 14, 2024

You know it’s true

One thing is for certain, no one is going to read this blog and think for even one second “I bet that is AI written.”

Only a human could write stuff this…mediocre and boring. 

But here is some more eighties music. 

Yes, I know calling the content of this site mediocre is generous at best. 

July 13, 2024

Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning

 We need some more warm eighties music to celebrate a summer Saturday.

We are off this afternoon to hang by the pool. Behave yourselves while I’m gone. 

July 12, 2024

Swallow my tears

Good morning blog world. Be honest, do you feel better about old Biden after his mumbling screeching angry press conference yesterday evening. Sure he only misidentified the president of Ukraine and his own VEEP, but we all do that, right? 

No we don’t. Dude can’t manage anything not on the teleprompter. 

I’ve been working on a big spreadsheet with lots of macros, calculations, and XLookups. It gives me a headache and I am reasonably adequate in Excel. I thought this exercise was a one-off. Now the boss thinks I should update it every month. Anyway, I found an error right before quitting time yesterday, so now I have to recheck the darn thing line by line. 

So yes, I’m blogging instead of working right now.

How about some Eighties music today? I e played this song before, but it is always worth a listen. 

July 10, 2024

I hate the person who invented “snooze”

The wife’s alarm beeped for the third time at 6:00. A habit that has irritated me for forty years now. Just get up already. But it isn’t going to change. In the old days she would have her alarm go off every ten minutes for thirty or forty minutes before she got up. It was especially irritating when I worked second shift. 

This morning she climbs out of bed and tells me she has to get the girls early today and oh, btw, she is out of gas could I go get her some? Another gust of wind splattered rain against the bedroom window. The sound covered my mumbled complaints. 

I stood at the pump as a light rain lashed my back. The last remnants af Hurricane Beryl are moving on. On the scale of things, this is no big deal. I know she really hates pumping gas. We all have stuff we prefer not to do. I just wish she would have asked me last evening when there was a break in the weather. 

July 9, 2024

Finally caught

Hurricane Beryl chased us around the Caribbean last week. We dodged and weaved like Ali and she never laid a hand on us. She was always a couple of days behind our ship. Somehow, Beryl is determined to rain on us, finally finding us a thousand miles inland. Drop your rain and move on. I get the last laugh, I had a great vacation. 

July 8, 2024


 Back to work 

July 7, 2024

Making the most of it

Stranglehold is playing on my spy speaker this morning. I dig some Ted guitar, but it is somewhat jarring at six in the morning. Don’t get me wrong, back in the day I did plenty of rocking in the early morning hours. Mostly I was still up. That was long ago.

We went out for dinner with my daughter and her family last evening. The grand girls hugged my wife like crazy. I think they were glad to see me too. The wife has provided day care for both since they were born. 

The youngest starts kindergarten next month. The wife is going to be lost. She will still watch them after school, but it is not the same as having them here all day. 

Yes, I’m going to miss having a little one here too. Those girls saved my life when I was really down a few years ago. They kept me going. That and a lot of praying. 

We are off to a rare Sunday pool day at our friend’s house this afternoon. It will be a fitting end to what has been a great vacation. Then it is back to work. More emails and issues than I care to think about await my attention. 

Now I have to go pack up some stogies and get some ice for the cooler. Life is rough. 

July 6, 2024

Back home again, in Indiana

Not a pirate in sight

   So we took a little trip to celebrate our fortieth anniversary. Since my thoughts are always of you, reader, I made sure to can up some appropriate posts so you could get your daily fix of lousy entries from me. I’m thoughtful that way. 

The cruise was a five day affair out of Tampa visiting Roatan in Honduras and Cozumel in Mexico. The weather was spectacular, but hot. We had a terrific time. 

For the first time on a cruise we did not have an interior cabin. We did not get a balcony, but we did have a couple of portholes to let in light. Here’s the thing, we only use the cabin for sleeping anyway (yes only sleeping, dang it). An interior room has never bothered me. 

The  entertainment was good, the comedians meh, the food what I expected. 

In Mahogany Bay we did some zip lining then spent the day on the beach.  In Cozumel we snorkeled and then went to a beach. We had a great time on both excursions. 

The drive to and fro Tampa went fine, we were delayed a bit for accidents on the highway both going and coming, but we’re only caught in the tail of the traffic jams. 

What is up with bad drivers refusing to use cruise control? I’m not talking old beaters, but newer cars you know have speed control installed. If I could not hold speed better than that, I would not get behind the wheel. 

I have driven in the range of a million miles. That is not an exaggeration. I spent thirty plus years as a traveling salesman. I can hold my speed pretty well . But the computer in my car can do it better.  If you are that guy — speed up, slow down — just quit. You ain’t a good driver. 

If I pass you and then you pass me and then I pass you again all in five miles, one of us is a bad driver. I have my cruise control on so it isn’t me. Do not be that guy. And stay the hell out of the left lane. If more than three cars pass you on the right, you are a tool. 

Lecture done. Today I have a week’s worth of chores to do. Cut the lawn, pick up sticks, blah, blah. Too bad I have to work the rest of the year to have a great week of holiday. 

So it goes. Some people don’t get that, I count myself blessed. 

July 5, 2024

Home where my love lies waitin'

By the time you read this, the wife and I will be motoring home from what I hope was a great vacation. We took a Caribbean cruise and spent a couple of days in Florida to celebrate our anniversary. As far as past me knows, future me did not encounter any pirates of the Caribbean on this trip. 

Since this is a canned post, you will have to wait until I get home for a full report. 

Edited: (live) we arrived home in the early morning hours. After a couple hours of sleep I am zombie surfing your blogs to get caught up on things. We stayed ahead of the hurricane and had perfect weather the whole trip. 

Around Nassau town we did roam


July 4, 2024

On this date, sorta


I have said before, the John Adam’s miniseries from HBO should be required viewing.

July 2, 2024

Well, it's not far down to paradise

 I saw this guy in concert once. I think he opened for Fleetwood Mac . He just stood there and in all honesty, kinda sucked.

Consider everything here that is of original content copyrighted as of March 2005
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