September 16, 2024

When the moon is in the Seventh House

Welp we had a great weekend. The weather was warm and dry. Saturday we watched the youngest granddaughter play soccer then in the evening we went out for dinner to celebrate my daughter’s birthday. The grand girls asked if they could come over and spend the night and it was done. Sunday we went to hang out at our friend’s pool. It is likely the last time this summer . That’s a bummer.

Since it is Monday, how about I do my part to make your week start off on the wrong foot and put this ear worm into your head:

You are most welcome.

Dang hippies.

September 15, 2024

Just a thought


Five best sports movies

 Here is my list of the best sports movies:


2. Bull Durham


4. Pride of the Yankees

5. Tin Cup or Breaking Away (tie)

Honorable mention: Major League

I welcome a rebuttal if your favorite is missing

September 13, 2024

Not that one with the boxing kangaroo

I may have been doing this blog in the neighborhood of  thirty-seven years but that doesn’t mean I cannot make a few tweaks. 

For this week’s Friday Five I will solicit your input then offer my list later. 

What? I get to make the rules just because. 

What are the five best sports movies?

Let me know in the comments.

Look, it’s Friday the 13th, don’t temp bad luck by failing to participate. 

September 12, 2024

Where I go after the other side's dumb policy positions

The reasons for war are complicated. One cannot simply cite that Germany invaded Poland and started WWII. Why did Germany invade Poland? If we dig deeper we find the harsh reparations of WWI caused many of the factors that led to WWII. And many of the issues that surrounded the Franco Prussian War instigated WWI and so on and so on.

When we look to the Pacific and Far East of the 1930s we see issues that led to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It was not that Japan decided they wanted to start a fight with the US. That kind of pure aggression would have been crazy in either a person or a nation state. I am going to focus on one of the strands of the gordian knot that is WWII. And believe it or not, there is a modern political point I want to make. To get to that point I will have to undertake some background as much for my own clarity as anything. And yes, I can see your eyes glazing over in boredom already.

This isn't classroom history, there will not be a test and there will not be a list of dates and names to remember. It is Hoosierboy history and I hope to make it moderately entertaining.  I will do my best to refuse to go down the various paths and tunnels that open up via my historical ADD and endeavor to stick to the main point. As always, I am certain there will be inaccuracies and errors and I welcome correction in the comments. Stay with me for a little bit and this long post will have a point. A long-winded point for sure, but that is my way. You should know that by now.

In the late thirties Japan was embroiled in a war with China. We will not get into the weeds with a discussion on that nasty bit of business, but only a passing mention that the aggression in China predates Hitler's European expansionism. If you want more information look up "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere". I would have opted for a better and more accurate name for the doctrine had I been in charge of Japan like "What's good for Japan is good for the rest of you East Asians because we said so" or something similar. 

Anyway, the Japanese were thrashing China like a schoolyard bully and worse (see Nanjing). In response, the good old US of A slapped an embargo in imports of oil and scrap steel to Japan. 

So what you ask?

Japan is slightly smaller than California. A beautiful country, it lacks the natural resources of the Golden State. In particular, to feed their early twentieth century burgeoning manufacturing and increasing demand for war materiel, Japan needed oil and steel. Guess what pre-war nation had loads of oil and cheap steel? Ta-da, the greedy Americans. Our exports supported the Japanese economy. To show our disapproval of Japan's on-going nastiness in China we said we won't ship you anymore oil and scrap steel so suck it up Tojo. 

Japan looked around and noticed that Malaysia and the Philippines and Vietnam and many of the countries in Southeast Asia had resources Japan could use. Much to Japan's chagrin, other countries like the British and French and the Dutch and the Americans were already sucking up those natural resources. Sure, Japan reasoned, we could just go and take what we want; all of those other countries have their hands full fighting that Hitler guy and the powerful German military machine. Who is going to stop us?

Wait, they discovered, those boys over in America are not at war. What if the Americans decide to intervene? "We cannot win a war with the United States long-term," said the military experts. Heck, the Japanese military leaders thought (but would never ever ever say it aloud), we are having issues subduing the backwards Chinese and Koreans. 

One bright fellow said how about we destroy their navy? Either we will hurt them so bad it will take years to recover or maybe, if we are lucky, the Americans decided the pain is not worth the fight and we can work out favorable terms? We have nothing to lose, he reasoned. So the Japanese army and navy drew up plans to take over the Pacific and Southeast Asia in one fell swoop. They devised secret plans and camouflaged their training; a waste of time since no one was really looking anyway. The Europeans were embroiled in their own war, most of the Australian army shipped of to fight for the British in Africa, and the Americans were being Americans, too busy watching and secretly making side bets on that big to-do in Europe. 

Then Surprise! on December 7, 1941 (I know I said I would not clutter up this already too-long post with dates, but that one is important) and the Japanese attacked our fleet at Pearl Harbor Hawaii and sunk a good chunk of the important ships. Except the aircraft carriers were not at home and the Japanese said "Oh Crap" and hightailed it to see what would happen next. What happened was lots of death and destruction. 

Why am I telling you all of this interesting but perhaps not yet obviously pertinent information? Well I am glad you asked. Let's fast forward about 85 years. The big dog in Asia is now China. Their manufacturing plants spew out cheap goods of various quality levels ranging from excellent to poor. Many of those goods are shipped to the US to the tune of around 500 billion dollar's worth. That is about 15% of China's economy. To put that in scale, Walmart would be one of China's top ten trading partners if it was its own country. Don't think Target or any of your other favorite stores are any different (hello Family Dollar). 

What do you think the world's second largest economy (and second largest military) will do when Trump slaps a 60% tariff on Chinese goods? They will certainly retaliate. Half of our soybean exports go to China. It is estimated that US exports to China account for 1.1 million US Jobs. China dominates the supply chains for critical and everyday goods into the US. China will not take destroying 15-20% of their economy laying down. In the best case, everything you buy will go up in price. A lot. Domestic and other foreign manufacturers will not be able to cover the increased demand and prices will soar. No one, even the Communists, can escape the immutable law of supply and demand. You will pay more for goods, supposing you can get them. Think inflation sucks under Biden? Try on Trump's tariff plan. 

The worst case scenario is the Japanese approach from the last century. Desperate countries strike out. The last thing the Chairman wants is a billion hungry and angry Chinese peasants. Tiananmen Square scared the pants off the Communist Party in China. They are not going to let some stupid Americans foul up the works. 

Whether we like it or not, since the fall of the Soviet Union, a big chunk of the world is sick of the United States lording it over everyone. Plenty of nations would not mind seeing our country reduced a size or two and if China started it, would certainly like to get in a kick or two while we are down. Can anyone be certain the French or Germans or Japanese would join in on our side? They may not jump to China's aid, but I bet there would be a bunch of neutrals out there. 

History never repeats, but it does offer lessons.

September 11, 2024

On this day…

In 2001 Muslim fanatics attacked the United States killing thousands. 

Hamas  and their supporters cheered in the streets. 

Open borders and unfettered immigration is allowing who knows what potential terrorists into the country. 

Never forget. 


September 10, 2024

What do you stand for?

 These are some of the policy positions Kamala Harris has supported:

Ending ICE

Increased taxes

Forced EV mandate

Ending fracking

Reducing drilling on Federal lands and voiding existing oil leases

Mandatory buyback of guns she finds scary

Free healthcare for all including illegal immigrants

Taxpayer funding for sex change operations for illegals in detention 

Defunding police

Decriminalized drugs — including marijuana, heroin, crack, fentanyl, cocaine 

Abortion right up to the moment of birth

If these seem reasonable and good ideas, vote for Harris. If you are appalled then you need to vote against this nonsense. I said it below, the election is about policies, not personalities. Vote accordingly.

That’s my money

There is one position Kamala Harris has yet to flip and flop on. Although to be fair she hasn’t flipped and flopped her spokespeople say she has, she’s not talking. That way she can go back to her far-left nut job positions as soon as she’s elected. Harris will anyway, she’s a lying politician just like the rest of them. Of either party.

Anyway, Harris will let the current tax cuts expire. Your taxes will go up. Yes, it wasn’t just the rich who got a tax cut when Trump was in office last time. You got a tax cut. Of course, in typical Democrat fashion they do not consider it a tax hike, after all, as far as they are concerned, you are just paying what they deemed was their money to spend all along. 

So while you are considering the 25% more you’re paying for everything, be prepared to roll in a tax hike in your budget. 

This isn’t an election about personalities, it is about policies..

It always is. 

September 9, 2024

Bad case of the Mondays

I backspaced over the entirety of my post this mourning before I hit publish. It was unimaginably negative, even for me. 

Did you ever watch Breakfast at Tiffany’s? Yep, it’s the mean reds. 

September 8, 2024

High Hopes

It is an another chilly day to start the week. The always accurate weather people on the local news promise summer will be back with 90F temperatures later in the week. 

The grandgirls spent the night last night. We had a great time. We had Mexican from their favorite place for supper then came back and played games until bedtime.We are going to have fried biscuit donuts for breakfast. They like to help form the donuts.

The NFL is back in action today. Csn the Colts end a decade of opening day losses? I am not confident they can. So it goes. Life is better when your team wins, but it doesn’t really matter in the long run. 

I’ve been a life-long Cubs fan. I’ve come to expect a high level of losing in my favorite teams.

Have a great Sunday.

September 7, 2024

Okay, you think you got a pretty face

I’m just not in the mood to perpetuate the normal flippant time wasting garbage I normally post at this here website. 

Instead I offer up a forgotten but certainly not obscure bit of 70s glam rock:

September 6, 2024

Not the Bridges of Madison County

Way, way back when this blog was young I used to have a feature called the Friday Five. I created the definitive list of stuff and ranked the results. If I remembered correctly, you hated it. You did not comment anyway. Since what I really want is an argument discussion, lack of feedback made me let it die.

Until now. 

Yes, Dear Readers, I’m bringing back the Friday Five. I can feel your excitement. 

This week- the five best Clint Eastwood movies.

1. Outlaw Josey Wales

2 Pale Rider

3. Dirty Harry

4. High Plains Drifter

5. A Fist Full of Dollars

I’m not going to lie, I really like Every Which Way but Loose, Trouble with the Curve*, and Heartbreak Ridge. 

I suspect some of you will prefer Unforgiven. 

Make your arguments in the comments.

*This didn’t do well at the box office but I liked it. It’s a baseball movie.

September 5, 2024

Money saving tips

 This older couple were sitting on the front porch in their rocking chairs talking about how they could save money on various necessities.

All of a sudden, the old man reached over, grabbed the woman’s breast and said, “You know, if these gave milk then we could get rid of the cows.” The old woman didn’t say anything so he moved his hand.

A few minutes later he reached over again and put his hand on her crotch. The old man said, “You know, if that could lay eggs then we could get rid of the chickens.” The woman didn’t say anything so he moved his hand.

A few minutes later, the old woman reached over, grabbed the husband's crotch and said, “You know, if this worked, we could get rid of your brother.”

September 4, 2024

A mere collection of words and phrases

It is chilly in the office this morning. Outside it is a mere 53F and inside it is cool enough I pulled on a sweatshirt. I was cold in yesterday’s shorts and T-shirt. Now I’m too hot.  Clearly, I’m in Goldilocks mode. I need the temperature to be just right. 

Need may not be accurate. Want is a better word. I want lots of stuff, but we all know what Mick and the boys said — you can’t always get what you want. 

I have checked, but I know I have a bunch of work emails waiting. My phone beeped alerts all evening. For once I ignored them. They will be waiting when I log on. 

I can hear the neighbor’s dog barking and barking. Why they cannot hear it is an enduring mystery. Perhaps they are in the shower. Maybe they are grabbing some morning nookie. It might be they are at a critical point in egg cooking. Perhaps they are mesmerized by Kamala Harris rhetorical skills. 

Ok, I crack me up. 

I think I have settled on the title of my next piece o’crap novel. I won’t share it because I’ve changed it five times already. It doesn’t matter anyway. It’s only half done with no prospect of finishing anytime soon. 

The good news it is Hump Day already! 

Have a great Wednesday.

What? You expected something substantial? You were sure you would be enlightened by words of wisdom and philosophical thought? You expected political analysis and keen historical insight? Is it your first time reading this blog?

September 3, 2024

September Blues

Back to work. It was a good long weekend. We start the day on a cool note: a mere fifty Fahrenheit as I type these words. Sitting in my office I can see my neighbors leaving for work. My commute is a mere three feet from my office recliner to my desk. 

I have been plagued by weird and vivid dreams the past few nights. Worry not, I’m not going to relate them here. This blog is boring enough without getting into dream nonsense. Freud must have had a streak of masochism to sit and listen to his patients’ dreams. No thanks.

Since it was a cool evening we had potato soup and BLT sandwiches for supper last night. Guess what is for lunch? Potatoe soup is always better the next day. 

That’s it go forth and be productive.

This fits the weather theme. This was the hot local band when I was a teen.  Too bad they never made it big. 

September 2, 2024

If you think I’m gonna apologize…

It is Monday yet I’m not at work. It is a holiday! You knew that. You will find the obvious stated as if was great revelation here today. The sky is blue. It is cool outside. 

Sheesh. I would backspace this whole garbage pile of a post and start over if I had anything better to write. 

I did not so clearly I do not. 

I can put up this video however:

Have a great day.

September 1, 2024

It's ladies night; free drinks until ten

It looks to be a great day. Since it is a long weekend it is almost like an extra Saturday and we are treating it as such, heading off to hang with some friends. 

Other than the opening paragraph I’m not feeling it today. You will have to settle for some music. 

This is a little-heard track from pre-famous John Cougar. You know, that Mellencamp fella.

Have a great Sunday.

Consider everything here that is of original content copyrighted as of March 2005
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